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Time Zone in Lord Howe Island, Lord Howe Island, Australia

12:33:01 pm LHDT

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Current: LHDT — Lord Howe Daylight Time
Next Change: LHST — Lord Howe Standard Time
Current Offset: UTC/GMT +11 hours
Difference: 15 hours ahead of Columbus
Location of Lord Howe IslandLocation

2024 Time Zones - Lord Howe Island


The graph above illustrates clock changes in Lord Howe Island during 2024.

Note that Lord Howe Island uses a special half-hour time zone.

Lord Howe Island's Time

Lord Howe Island observes Lord Howe Standard Time (LHST) which is 10 hours and 30 minutes ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) during standard time. During the Daylight Saving Time (DST) period, they use Lord Howe Daylight Time (LHDT) with a UTC offset of +11.

The island is part of the Australian state of New South Wales (NSW) and is located about 781 kilometers (486 miles) northeast of Sydney.

Time Changes in Lord Howe Island Over the Years

Daylight Saving Time (DST) changes do not necessarily occur on the same date every year.

YearDate & TimeAbbreviationTime ChangeOffset After
2023Sun, Apr 2 at 2:00 amLHDTLHST-0:30 hours (DST end)UTC+10:30h
 Sun, Oct 1 at 2:00 amLHSTLHDT+0:30 hours (DST start)UTC+11h
2024Sun, Apr 7 at 2:00 amLHDTLHST-0:30 hours (DST end)UTC+10:30h
 Sun, Oct 6 at 2:00 amLHSTLHDT+0:30 hours (DST start)UTC+11h
2025Sun, Apr 6 at 2:00 amLHDTLHST-0:30 hours (DST end)UTC+10:30h
 Sun, Oct 5 at 2:00 amLHSTLHDT+0:30 hours (DST start)UTC+11h
2026Sun, Apr 5 at 2:00 amLHDTLHST-0:30 hours (DST end)UTC+10:30h
 Sun, Oct 4 at 2:00 amLHSTLHDT+0:30 hours (DST start)UTC+11h
2027Sun, Apr 4 at 2:00 amLHDTLHST-0:30 hours (DST end)UTC+10:30h
 Sun, Oct 3 at 2:00 amLHSTLHDT+0:30 hours (DST start)UTC+11h
* All times are local Lord Howe Island time. Next time change is highlighted.

Time Zone History - Lord Howe Island

Lord Howe Island's time was officially set to UTC+10:30 in the Standard Time Act of 1971 in NSW legislature. Sources indicate, however, that the island’s practice of maintaining a 30-minute difference with mainland New South Wales started as early as in 1904.

DST was introduced in 1971. Since the island is a part of NSW, its DST history is the same as the mainland state. Today, it is the NSW Standard Time Act 1987 that controls the time in NSW and Lord Howe Island.

30-minute offsets from UTC are not that common, but there are several in Australia.

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Lord Howe Island
Tuesday, October 22, 2024