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Jalal-Abad, Kyrgyzstan — Sunrise, Sunset, and Moon Times for Today

Moon: 71.5%
Waning Gibbous
Current Time: Oct 22, 2024 at 11:36:43 am
Sunrise Today: 7:27 am 104° East
Sunset Today: 6:16 pm 256° West
Moonrise Today: 9:54 pm 51° Northeast
Moonset Today: 1:16 pm 309° Northwest
Daylight Hours: 10 hours, 50 minutes (-2m 33s)
Location of Jalal-AbadLocation

Today's Sun Position in Jalal-Abad

Time:11:36 am
Direction:157° S

Day length today: 10h 49m 35s (Oct 22, 2024)

2 minutes, 33 seconds shorter than yesterday (Oct 21, 2024)

1 hour, 35 minutes longer than winter solstice (Dec 22, 2023)

4 hours, 17 minutes shorter than summer solstice (Jun 21, 2024)

Night, Twilight, and Daylight Times in Jalal-Abad Today

12 am
2 am
4 am
6 am
8 am
10 am
12 pm
2 pm
4 pm
6 pm
8 pm
10 pm
Night12:00 am – 5:55 am
Astro. Twilight5:55 am – 6:27 am
Nautical Twilight6:27 am – 6:59 am
Civil Twilight6:59 am – 7:27 am
Daylight7:27 am – 6:16 pm
Civil Twilight6:16 pm – 6:44 pm
Nautical Twilight6:44 pm – 7:16 pm
Astro. Twilight7:16 pm – 7:48 pm
Night7:48 pm – 11:59 pm

Sun in Jalal-Abad - Next 7 Days

Scroll right to see more
2024Sunrise/SunsetDaylengthSolar Noon
OctSunriseSunsetLengthDiff.TimeMil. mi
Oct 227:27 am6:16 pm10:49:35−2:3312:52 pm (37.8°)92.503
Oct 237:28 am6:15 pm10:47:02−2:3212:52 pm (37.5°)92.478
Oct 247:29 am6:14 pm10:44:30−2:3112:52 pm (37.1°)92.453
Oct 257:30 am6:12 pm10:41:59−2:3012:52 pm (36.8°)92.428
Oct 267:31 am6:11 pm10:39:29−2:3012:51 pm (36.5°)92.404
Oct 277:33 am6:10 pm10:37:00−2:2912:51 pm (36.1°)92.379
Oct 287:34 am6:08 pm10:34:32−2:2812:51 pm (35.8°)92.355
* All times are local time for Jalal-Abad. They take into account refraction. Dates are based on the Gregorian calendar.

See full month's Sun

Today's Moon in Jalal-Abad

Year 2024 Moon Phases

Moon in Jalal-Abad - Next 7 days

Scroll right to see more
2024Moonrise/MoonsetMeridian Passing
OctMoonriseMoonsetMoonriseTimeDistance (mi)Illumination
Oct 22-1:16 pm9:54 pm5:05 am(77.5°)234,11074.2%
Oct 23-2:07 pm11:01 pm6:04 am(76.7°)238,17463.8%
Oct 24-2:47 pm-6:59 am(74.2°)242,00353.1%
Oct 2512:09 am3:18 pm-7:49 am(70.5°)245,36242.7%
Oct 261:15 am3:44 pm-8:35 am(65.8°)248,10132.9%
Oct 272:19 am4:05 pm-9:18 am(60.5°)250,15524.0%
Oct 283:20 am4:24 pm-9:58 am(54.9°)251,51716.2%
* All times are local time for Jalal-Abad. They take into account refraction. Dates are based on the Gregorian calendar. Illumination is calculated at lunar noon.

See full month's Moon

Planets Visible in the Sky in Jalal-Abad This Coming Night

 Planetrise/Planetset, Tue, Oct 22, 2024
MercuryTue 8:41 amTue 6:47 pmTue 1:45 pmDifficult to see
VenusTue 10:36 amTue 7:55 pmTue 3:16 pmGood visibility
MarsMon 11:26 pmTue 2:18 pmTue 6:52 amAverage visibility
JupiterMon 8:59 pmTue 11:52 amTue 4:25 amPerfect visibility
SaturnTue 4:31 pmWed 3:35 amTue 10:03 pmPerfect visibility
UranusTue 7:25 pmWed 9:48 amWed 2:36 amAverage visibility
NeptuneTue 5:00 pmWed 4:49 amTue 10:55 pmDifficult to see
* All times are local time for Jalal-Abad.

More about the planets visible in the night sky in Jalal-Abad