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Vostok Station, Antarctica — Sunrise, Sunset, and Moon Times for Today

Moon: 71.5%
Waning Gibbous
Current Time: Oct 22, 2024 at 11:36:08 am
Sun: Up all day
Moon: Down all day
Daylight Hours: 24 hours
Location of Vostok StationLocation

Today's Sun Position in Vostok Station

Time:11:36 am
Direction:344° N

Day length today: 24 hours (Oct 22, 2024)

1 day longer than winter solstice (Jun 21, 2024)

Night, Twilight, and Daylight Times in Vostok Station Today

12 am
2 am
4 am
6 am
8 am
10 am
12 pm
2 pm
4 pm
6 pm
8 pm
10 pm
Daylight12:00 am – 11:59 pm

Sun in Vostok Station - Next 7 Days

Scroll right to see more
2024Sunrise/SunsetDaylengthSolar Noon
OctSunriseSunsetLengthDiff.TimeMil. mi
Oct 22Up all day10:37 am (22.8°)92.505
Oct 23Up all day10:36 am (23.1°)92.480
Oct 24Up all day10:36 am (23.5°)92.455
Oct 25Up all day10:36 am (23.8°)92.431
Oct 26Up all day10:36 am (24.2°)92.406
Oct 27Up all day10:36 am (24.5°)92.381
Oct 28Up all day10:36 am (24.8°)92.357
* All times are local time for Vostok Station. They take into account refraction. Dates are based on the Gregorian calendar.

See full month's Sun

Today's Moon in Vostok Station

Year 2024 Moon Phases

Moon in Vostok Station - Next 7 days

Scroll right to see more
2024Moonrise/MoonsetMeridian Passing
OctMoonriseMoonsetMoonriseTimeDistance (mi)Illumination
Oct 22-Down all day-2:44 am(-18.0°)233,72675.1%
Oct 23-Down all day-3:43 am(-17.4°)237,79864.8%
Oct 24-Down all day-4:39 am(-15.1°)241,66054.1%
Oct 25-Down all day-5:29 am(-11.5°)245,07143.7%
Oct 26-Down all day-6:16 am(-7.0°)247,87333.8%
Oct 27-Down all day-6:59 am(-1.0°)249,99124.8%
Oct 284:19 am11:42 am-7:39 am(4.0°)251,41716.8%
* All times are local time for Vostok Station. They take into account refraction. Dates are based on the Gregorian calendar. Illumination is calculated at lunar noon. Below horizon is marked in red.

See full month's Moon

Planets Visible in the Sky in Vostok Station This Coming Night

 Planetrise/Planetset, Tue, Oct 22, 2024
MercuryUp all dayTue 11:29 amExtremely difficult to see
VenusUp all dayTue 1:00 pmExtremely difficult to see
MarsDown all dayTue 4:37 amDown all night, not visible
JupiterDown all dayTue 2:10 amDown all night, not visible
SaturnWed 10:16 amThu 5:12 amWed 7:44 pmNot visible
UranusDown all dayTue 12:26 amDown all night, not visible
NeptuneTue 1:47 pmWed 3:32 amTue 8:40 pmNot visible
* All times are local time for Vostok Station.

More about the planets visible in the night sky in Vostok Station