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The 14 Day Extended Forecast City Page shows the weather for the next two weeks.

What Does the 14 Day Extended Forecast City Page Show?

The Current weather, Location, Current Time, and Latest Report

The area near the top of the page shows the current weather in the city.

Location is the weather station where the current weather is sourced, Current Time shows the time in the city, and Latest Report shows the time the weather report was updated last.

Problems? See “Why is the current weather wrong?” in the FAQ section below.

Change city

Use the search field to open the Weather City Page for a different location. The search supports ZIP/postal codes for several countries, including the United States and Canada.

You can also enter geographic coordinates (longitude and latitude) to find the same information for any place on Earth.

Problems? See “The city search lists several places with the same name. Which is the one I'm looking for?” in the FAQ section below.

Time/General, Time Zone, DST, and Sun & Moon tabs

Use the navigation tabs next to the search field to access the General City Page (Time/General tab) or other sub-pages dedicated to specific topics, such as Time Zone, DST Changes, and Sun & Moon, for the city.

Extended Forecast with high and low temperatures

The graph provides a weather forecast for the next 14 days. Click the arrows on either side to move forward or back in time. Hover your mouse over the graph to see more info about each day at the bottom of the graph.

To change the temperature reading from Fahrenheit to Celsius, click the gear wheel.

Problems? See “Why is the current weather wrong?”, “What do the weather terms mean?” and “How do I switch between Fahrenheit and Celsius?” in the FAQ section below.

2 Week Extended Forecast

The table shows a forecast for the next 14 days in the city including temperature, wind speed and direction, probability of precipitation, and sun info.

To change the temperature reading from Fahrenheit to Celsius, click the gear wheel.

Problems? See “How accurate is the weather forecast?”, “What do the weather terms mean?” and “How do I switch between Fahrenheit and Celsius?” in the FAQ section below.

FAQ: Weather Data

Why is the forecast wrong?

As predictions of future events, weather forecasts always have a certain margin of error and may vary from source to source. We use CustomWeather as our provider, and as with any other weather forecast, we cannot guarantee that it is correct or predicts the same weather as other forecasts.

If you notice a weather forecast that is repeatedly incorrect, please let us know.

Why is the current weather wrong?

In some cases, a weather station may be temporarily or permanently unavailable, so the system will default to a weather station further afield. Weather conditions may differ there. In some cases, weather stations are quite far away from the city.

The current weather data may also not be updated as frequently. If you notice current weather that is repeatedly incorrect, let us know.

How often is the current weather updated?

The update interval depends on the weather station that delivers data for the location. Some stations update quite frequently, such as every 30 minutes, while others may take a few hours to deliver the next installment of weather data. Read about the weather stations here.

How often is the forecast updated?

The weather forecast is updated every 6 hours. Our weather data provider, CustomWeather, uses its own forecasting models, which means that there can be a difference between their forecast and forecasts provided by other sources.

Why is the weather station so far away?

In some cases, weather stations may be quite far away from the city. Weather conditions may differ there. This is because there is no weather station near the chosen location.

In some cases, there is a mistake in either the placement of the city or the weather station. If you notice that the stations are very far away from the city, especially a larger city, please let us know.

How accurate is the weather forecast?

As predictions of future events, weather forecasts always have a certain margin of error and may vary somewhat from one source to another.

Our forecasts are updated every 6 hours, but it takes about 30 minutes to get all the information over to our website. During that period, forecasts can be a combination of the previous and the new one. If you notice a weather forecast that is repeatedly incorrect, please let us know.

Can I download the weather data?

No, we do not own the copyright for the weather data. It is provided by CustomWeather.

Can you send me weather reports?

Unfortunately, we do not support this yet. However, you can search the past weather for any location.

Is there a printer-friendly version?

Depending on your printer and browser settings you can print out our weather reports. However, we do not offer a printer-friendly version.

Can I use your weather info on my website?

No, we do not own the copyright for the weather data. It is provided by CustomWeather. We do have other API services for our own data.

Do you show absolute humidity or relative humidity?

All humidity data on our site refers to relative humidity, unless otherwise stated.

FAQ: Weather Units, Symbols, and Terms

How do I switch between Fahrenheit and Celsius?

Click on the icon depicting a gear wheel on the right side near the top of the page and make a selection in the Temperature menu.

How do I switch between millimeters, inches, and meters for precipitation?

Click on the icon depicting a gear wheel next to the table and make a selection in the Precipitation menu

What do the weather terms mean?

Our weather glossary explains weather terminology and other words used in our services.

What do the weather symbols mean?

Hover your mouse over or tap on any of the weather icons and an explanation will appear.

What do the wind arrows and letters mean?

Both the arrows and the letters show the direction the wind is blowing. In keeping with meteorological standards, the letters indicate the direction the wind is blowing from, while the arrows point in the direction the wind is moving toward. The orientation of the arrows is based on the directions on most maps, where north is upward.

For example, an arrow pointing upwards indicates that the wind blows from south to north; it will be accompanied by the letter S (south). An arrow pointing right means the wind blows from west to east; it will be accompanied by the letter W (west).

The flags (feathers) or pennants at the tail end of each arrow represent the wind speed.

  • Each half-flag (small notch) depicts 5 knots (9.3 km/h; 5.8 mph).
  • Each full flag (full notch) depicts 10 knots (19 km/h; 12 mph).
  • Each pennant (filled triangle) depicts 50 knots (93 km/h; 58 mph).
  • A circle depicts no wind.

Where an arrow features multiple symbols, they have to be added up to calculate the wind speed. For example, an arrow with 2 full flags and a half-flag means that the wind speed is 25 knots.

The values for wind speed are rounded to the nearest whole unit.

What does Feels like mean?

The temperature displayed under Feels like refers to human thermal comfort. This value takes into account a number of environmental and personal factors, such as wind, air temperature, air humidity, and radiation from the Sun.

FAQ: Troubleshooting

Why isn't my town included?

Our database of locations includes thousands of cities worldwide, and we now offer an additional 6 million places via the GeoNames database. If you still don't find your town, please let us know, and we will consider adding it.

The city search lists several places with the same name. Which is the one I'm looking for?

When you type the location into the search field and it suggests several places by the same name, first have a look at the country flag and the description in parentheses to identify the city you are looking for. If it is still unclear, click on one of the locations and check the geographical position on the map (on desktop) or click on the Time/General tab and check the longitude/latitude information shown near the top of the page.

How do I change my home location?

Go to My Location, enter a location, and click Save.

Can I use ZIP or other postal codes to search for a city?

Yes, our city search engine supports ZIP and postal codes for the United States (5-digit ZIP codes only), Canada (first 3 letters/digits only), Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Norway.

The time has the wrong format. How do I change between the 24-hour and AM/PM clock?

Our system supports both 24-hour and 12-hour (am/pm) clock formats. To change the format, please go to My Units and make a selection in the Time Format drop-down, and click Save Settings.

Are the headings based on true north or magnetic north?

All headings are based on true north.

Where can I find more information about the site and its services?

The General FAQ Page answers your questions about timeanddate.com, our services, site-wide settings, customization options, advertising opportunities, and copyright policies.


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