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Join Us at the Europlanet Science Congress

Are you involved in astronomy live streams? Join timeanddate at the Europlanet Science Congress in September 2022 to present your work and take part in our discussion.

EPSC2022 will be held in Granada, Spain

The Europlanet Science Congress 2022 will be held from September 18 to 23 in Granada, Spain.


Together with our collaborators at the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) in Italy, and the Open University in the UK, timeanddate is helping organize a session at the Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC) 2022—and members of the professional and amateur astronomy community worldwide are invited to take part.

EPSC is one of the big annual meetings for planetary scientists. This year’s event will take place at the Palacio de Congresos de Granada in southern Spain from September 18 to 23.

The title of our session—which we’re organizing in collaboration with Claudia Mignone from INAF, and Helen Usher at the Open University—is Public engagement via live online astronomy events: Sharing experiences, looking ahead.

An Invitation to Astronomers Worldwide

Events in the sky provide powerful opportunities to engage the public in science. What has the astronomy community learned from live streaming events such as eclipses, and how can we make the most of future events?

If you’re involved with providing live coverage of astronomical events—as a professional or amateur—you’re invited to join our discussion.

You don’t have to be based in Europe: Europlanet is a global organization. For example, next year’s EPSC will be held in San Antonio, Texas.

Also, you don’t have to travel to Granada to be part of our discussion: we’re planning some form of online event for those who are unable to attend EPSC2022 in person.

For more information, and for any questions, you’re welcome to reach out to Graham Jones: [email protected]